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Ultimate Arch-Rivalries!

Oni wat mesti ya bisaing wat tih yoh?

Hi everyone and good afternoon! Have you evern noticed that somehow, the world is able to conjure-up ultimate rivalries? If you don't get what I mean, try looking at this list

Goku vs. Bezita
Pendekar Laut vs. Orga
Luke Skywalker vs. Darth Vader
Wolverine vs. Sabretooth
Superman vs. Lex Luthor
Spiderman vs. Green Goblin
Manchester United vs. Liverpool
Barcelona vs. Real Madrid
Boca Juniors vs. Riverplate
AC Milan vs. Inter Milan

Now, notice that there is rarely a real life rivalry between two separate individuals, the one particular rivalry I could think of is Arsene Wenger vs. Alex Ferguson. Most individual rivalries involve fictitious characters whereby a writer is able to develop their rivalry from start to God knows when. Kedak Pendekar Laut ngan Orga ya...dah mati..hidup balit...gaduh lagi. Sik pande abis-abis!

But in real life, I think I've finally found a classic man to man rivalry that could spill bitterness to both is the battle between;

Two of nature's ultimate freaks are destined to take on each other...

Man Against Man! Stomach Against Stomach!! Talk about superhumans...these guys are it! Can you believe that between these two, they can easily swallow 50 hotdogs and buns in 10 minutes???!!! Is that in any way normal? I could hardly think so.

Kobayashi is regarded as the pioneer, and technically the 'godfather' of pro-eating by being the one man that boosted the popularity of major league eating in 2001. Then Chestnut, is like the newcomer that comes to face-off with the old timer and whoops the old timer's bee-hind in 2007! Talk about classic arch rival introduction. Since then these two have been at it neck to neck...literally! Although Kobayashi has never really beaten Chestnut, these two are in a league of their own and they truly lead the pack. No other competitor so far could come close to what these two have achieved. For the record Kobayashi was champion from 2001 to 2006, and Chestnut became champion until the present day.

Tahan pok...muntah lok, sorang gik rilek gik ya

So now, Kobayashi; nicknamed The Tsunami is having trouble with Major League Eating due to contract disputes and some rebel-with-a-cause attitude towards the league organisers. Since he can't participate in the actual tournament, he sets up camp a few blocks away from the actual event and puts a large screen projector and faces of with Chestnut ala-ala Lone Ranger style. He officially can't fight against Chestnut; or also known as Jaws, but he's still competing AGAINST him one way or the other even if he doesn't earn anything from it. He actually won that fight by a margin of just ONE hotdog. Kobayashi ate 59 hotdogs while Chestnut ate 58!!! Is that insane or what?!

Bertapa lok Tekeru ya...

Technically, this can go down in history as one of the most gruesome comeptitive face-off of all time and they still have a long long way to go between them both. This is just the beginning of their duel.

So, who you with? Is it Kobayashi? Or Chestnut? Hahahaha...every man for himself!


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