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Gotong-Royong Pem'BERSIH'an

Oniwat ya jorak-jorak m'risi?

Last weekend was probably one of the most spiciest weekends our country has ever been through. Bersih 2.0 made it's point very clear about fair elections...I guess. In Miri, all the roads leading to the Waterfront area was 'blocked' by our men in white. For once I almost thought I could could get away with not going to work on Saturday. Hahaha, but after passing by blockades at the 24 Hour KFC entrance and the traffic light in front of Surabaya Restaurant entrance, I was finally allowed to get into the office compounds after being stopped by the police near the CIMB junction. To tell you the truth, I had a DAP Ubah stuck to my windsreen so I had to pull it off and hide it before I could open my windows to the police. Here's the dialogue on that fateful morning:

Mr. Police:  Haa...nak ke mana tu?

Me:             Pegi keja...

Mr. Police:  Sabtu pun keje ker?

Me:             Ye la...aku keja kompeni...bukan keja government. Kena la keja Sabtu.

Mr. Police:  Ko bukan nak gi ofis Dr. Teo la?

Me:             Takler (I had to speak in lepeh Malay coz I realized the guy wasn't Sarawakian). Bukan bini aku nak beranak pun (FYI: for those unfamiliar with Miri, Dr. Teo is an ultra-pembangkang but he operates both his maternity clinic/political office in the Waterfront area).

Mr. Police:  Hahahaha...pandailah ko ni buat lawak...tak nak masuk Maharaja Lawak ker?

Me:             Oh? Hahaha (dalam aku ketawa tok, peluh dingin dah keluar dah tok). Camner nak masuk Maharaja Lawak kalau Raja Lawak pun tak lepas? Hahahaha...

Mr. Police:  Oooo tak lepas? Dah penah begi ujibakat ke ni?

Me:             Errrr...ta penah. tapi kalo ader buat kat Miri, nak kot.

Mr. Police:  Alaaaa, takyah susah-susah ujibakat Raja Lawak, kat lokap pun banyak gak orang bleh dengar lawak engko.

Me:             Ahaha...ahaa..aha..haaaa.

Mr. Police:  Dah dah dah!! Masuk! Gi keje! Kang aku sumbat betul-betul dalam balai baru tau.

Mr:             (Gulp!) Ok encik, sori encik, aku jalan encik...babai encik.

Okay, so only the first two sentences were true in that dialogue. Hahaha, he let me pass through once I told him I was going to work. Selebihnya, loyar burok jak!!! Hahahaha. Berbalik kepada cerita Bersih.

What I don't understand is why are all these people who are rallying, risking it all for democracy? To me, everything that they're doing, whether it's supporting the government's point of view or the Bersih point of view, is altogether pointless. They might as well rallied AND cleaned the streets of KL at the same time. Bring your brooms and dustpans along, sweep the streets, baru 'bersih'. Talk about gotong-royong, memang gotong-royong berdemonstrasi la everyone on Saturday. But the streets of KL got dirtier on Sunday. That means, literally, they didn't live up to their name. So I define their cause as: FAILURE. Hahahaha.

Our security personnel successfully watching over the 'clean'liness in Miri.

What took me by surprise was the enthusiasm of thousands of Malaysians who actually took part in all the commotion. I was awed by reports, especially the up-to-the-minute information posted by Malaysiakini on Saturday. There was a scoop on a woman; who was a retired civil servant that took part in it. She was earlier told by the police to return home and not involve herself in any of it, but she went street demonstrating anyway. She was quoted saying that 'she was tired of simply having to follow orders around without question, and that she was finally given a chance to truly express her thoughts about our government'.

Wow! I don't know about anybody else out there, but that single report struck a chord in me. Honestly, how is it possible for a middle aged woman, who was probably a decent and disciplined civil servant half her life (I mean, I refer to disciplined because she was able to work in civil service up to her retirement!) to decisively rise to this sort of occasion. What on Earth could have pissed her off so much about the government during her employment, that she has decided to take such a risk?

There has to be something, during her working years that changed her midset forever and I can bet you that this is probably the same situation for most government servants out there. I mean, come election time, they are 'employed' temporarily by the Election Commission. Could she have seen something or was forced to do something that made her realise that election in Malaysia is not fair after all? Haha, to tell you the truth, I find that a joke. You wanna know why? Look at these reasons:
  1. It is an 'open secret' that if government servants were to vote for the opposition, they are deemed to sertain 'consequences' such as being transferred to rural areas or face some sort of dicsiplinary call-up or be the one who never gets promoted.
  2. You are entitled to be arrested under ISA at any point when you are deemed as a threat to the government.
  3. Only the government could suddenly allocate ridiculous amount of imaginary money, ON THE SPOT FOR DEVELOPMENT PURPOSES when that particular area starts to look like place where they might lose their votes.
Now, time for something called, HARSH TRUTHS my friends.


Democracy is not power to the people.
Democracy is not freedom of thoughts or freedom of expression.
Demoracy is the tool of suble dictatorship.
Who invented the first democracy?
The Romans, right?
But did they ever tell you in your secondary school Sejarah syllabus that 'democracy' ended up dead to the Romans?
From democracy...they were turned into an EMPIRE!!
They were then subjected to the rule of an Emperor.

That is democracy, my friends.

The philosophy of freedon is only meant to make you believe that you have the power to make a change. Yes, you do...but the power is simply made to make you shift from one dictator to another. Ain't that stupid? You are simply a tool for someone else to achieve real executive power. You do not have that power, you only have the freedom to execute your right to choose, yes...that freedom itself is powerful, but does it bring the resultant 'power' of authority to you? Hell no it doesn't!

The one you choose gets that power and you are then subjected to THEIR authority. So either way, padan muka si pengundi juak lah nak?

Now if you understand that philosophy, then you realise that all these rallies, battle cries, freedom a waste of time, money, effort and strength. The success of democracy is not subjected to the power of the individual to 'vote', it s actually determined by the ability to influence the individual 'voters' to vote for you.

Another thing to understand is, politics is NOT about governance of state. Politics is all about nepotisme, cronisme and many other types of -isms. It doesn't matter if you are practicing democracy or communism, only a certain 'handful' of people benefits enonomically. The practice of politics is simply a macro version of domestic financing. It's simply about how to fill up your empty pockets to the rim and then get a bigger pocket to fill those to the rim. Then you fill up the pockets of your close relatives and friends.

Once you don't have a big enough pocket to fill, only then you realize that there's so many more empty pockets out there i.e. the voters pockets, but you won't realize that unless you haven't finished up filling up your own pockets in the first place or...when it's election time is right around the corner. No matter who you vote for, whoever is in government WILL practice this because THAT 'IS' DEMOCRACY. 


  1. hahahaha..i read ur post bro. make sense also la bro. for those who joined the rally the other day..please reconsidered ur afford to destroy our country. for me they only enjoy if our country become like what had happen to Greece and middle east country or even african country. all they did is Perang ...perang.. perang..what they did are bullshit. try to analyze first before react. ni belajar tinggi2 then buat kerja bodoh n merugikan. i'd read some comment posted by those who join the rally the day in KL. " at 1130 aroung 50,000 people gathered to join BERSIH...then at 1230 around 100,000 people gathed.. what the hell...dont even know how to count. i think that person FAIl her mathematic during her study. kira- kira pun tak pandai mau jadi pemimpin huh!! Only least then 10,000 stupid people ( tikus putih yang jadi bahan experiment org2 tertentu)involved.
    Regarding the women that u mention bro...she didnt realize that what she earn all this while is from the gov. anak cucu belajar pun kat sekolah kerajaan ( she also from the gov shcool)... biasiswa dari kerajaan..PTPTN pun kerajaan. people always talking bout tax, corruption. well for me, in order to achieve our country goals we have to pay a little bit of amount too to support the current gov. dia orang complaint bout the tax..habis yang dia orang buat perhimpunan, the country lost millions of ringgit - pelabur asing lari, business peniaga terjejas, pelancong lari..kemudahan yang dibuat untuk kegunaan rakyat rosak..siapa nak bayar? dari mana gov nak dapat $..tu la tax yg kita bayar tiap tahun....lagi nak sokong pemimpin yg organize perhimpunan haram..huhahuhahuha kat jalanan...kena bayar tax mahal nak marah pulak? i dont know whether they are stupid or what. (come on la, i also pay tax la.) for me they are shorterm thinker.
    Try to read the orange book published by pembangkang. i think they're influence by them especially si " Pelakon terhebat di alam semesta and kaki pompuan n kaki liwat" also known as Aldolf Hitler Malaysia ( beza nya cuma hitler tak liwat orang kekeke)The orange book memang sedap dibaca/ didengar janji2 nya. But do people realize that economic expert had analyse the consequence of implementing all the janji2 made by them? (if im not mistaken these is what they said) = the first year : Malaysian govt will lost 700 ++ billion ringgit ( 1st year still can bertahan) 2nd year = lost 300 ++ billion (sound better but by the time it reach this amount.. malaysian gov will become like Greece...BANKRAP bro!!)
    Corruption : yes there are no doubt that there're lot of corruption cases. but buta ka? tak tgk Tv ke? tak baca news ke? hari2 baca org kena tangkap pasal terlibat dengan corruption. Once again to all the short thinker : bacalah paper, tgk la brita slalu. jgn asyik nak tgk brita hiburan jer n brita gosip-menggosip jer. corruption cannot overcome overnight la.
    Ketelusan...this words always mention during the rally. Ketelusan kepala otak hang...if not because of ketelusan pengundian. takkan la 5 negeri pembangkang menang. takkan sampai semua negeri menang baru cakap telus.
    final but not not pro gov neither pro pembangkang.. im only want peace. saya pun nakkan pembaharuan, saya pun bayar tax tp kalau siapa nak buat tu , buat la dengan cara yang betul. jgn sampai negara kucar kacir. anak cucu yang akan sengsara kemudian hari. think before u act. jangan sampai berperang baru nak sedar . keharmonian harus dikekalkan.thankz all.

  2. thanks for the comments bro!

    true indeed! the Orange Book is just bait to lure the fish. and people who join the bandwagon of the opposition propaganda are just people who don't see the bigger picture, let say for example the most sinsitive thing for the rakyat - petrol prices.

    I tell, you honestly, if the government continue to subsidise Malaysians' petrol, then matila - we'll be bankrupt exactly as Idris Jala forecasted. Americans pay oil prices exactly the way they are sold in the open market and countries who intend to become part of the developed nations are doomed to have its people pay the rate of oil that americans and Europeans pay. So we dream to be a developed nation yet we boycott the financial actions decided by the government that is seen fit to stabilize our economy.

    For real man, how long do u think the governments gonna tanggung our petrol usage? Then come these guys who say, "Hey, Malaysia makes a lot of money from its oil resources...then we should be having cheap oil for domestic use!"

    Not! Who are you to say where our money goes? Who are you to know what intricately goes on with our country's financial dealings? I still think that there are rules to the agreement on our oil and justifications on why it is so. But even if everything was just a scam invilving high ranking politicians, truthfully, I don't think that all that oil money put together would make any marginal difference to our economy compared to what it is now.

    Remember, the government still tanggung our healthcare. Where on Earth can you go to a polyclinic and get a prescription (and maybe even an MC) for just RM 1.00??????!!!!! In USD, thats about fifty cents?!

    Yeah, extremists will say that government healthcare service is a bit crappy, but dare you say that to the many middle class and poor malaysians who can't afford RM 500.00 a night stay at a prvate hospital? Get real man! We are privileged in many ways and not just about petrol...take your time to appreciate it.

    Kudos to anonymous for the comment!

  3. abit political... so ... will keep my mouth shut until the next post... hahahaha... how can it be bersih when still "kuning"


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