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Showing posts from July, 2011

Job Interview 2

Oni wat ya perlu ogik sambungan itih? Due to the rapid rate of unemployment faced by our fresh graduates, I am inclined to give a few tips on how to handle the job interview. So here is my list things to do and things you shoulnd't do in a job interview. Do speak your mind It's is good to be pro-active in a conversation or when people ask you something. You can't just simply give one phrase answers all the time. If you do, you're automatically a buzzkill. Conveying YOUR ideas and thoughts are  always important, especially when you face technical based questions. Remember that academically, you are already there...but your potential employer is more interested in what YOU have to offer on the table. A reminder here is always be aware of what's happening around you, either directly related to your academics or things that may relate to in in general terms. Employers ADORE critical and independent thinkers and not just people who are there to follow orders. E.g. yo

The Invisible Chair

Oni wat nya'a selalu langgar kerusi tih bih? To anyone who's read the Harry Potter series, or seen the entire movie adaptation (if you're not the reading the way, the ending to the movie franchise s**cked!), you'll notice that Harry has a Cloak of Invisibility. Now, what does this has to do with my post today? Well, actually..I think I might have found an enchanted object just like Harry. It is called the Chair of Invisibility or The Invisible Chair . Why is this chair invisible? Well, it seems that everytime I sit on this chair...people ALWAYS bump into it! It is as if they really cannot see the chair. Now, at first I was really pissed about this, until I realized that this was probably one of the objects belonging to the Deathly Hallows that J.K. Rowling didn't want people to know about. I think this chair actually belonged to J.K. Rowling herself - during the time she first started to write her Harry Potter books. Maybe people use to bother her all

Job Interview

Oni wat nyaa de mitie kroja nai urah wat tih bih? I've had the privilege (or unluckyness) of being able to personally interview people who get to work in my section. There've been many different types of people and personalities that  I've encountered but I have got to tell you that there are just people who deliberately wanna get on your nerves. In the end, I find that the most important thing to realize when interviewing someone is actually the things that they openly and sincerely say to you. It's not the certificates or the experience. Simply more towards words and expressions that comes out of them when you ask them things. But for now, this is the type of people I watch out for the MOST during interviews: An Interview with People Who Are Clueless One thing I don't like about certain job applicants (a few of them so far) are those who don't really measure up to the things that they say they know, but even worse is people who BELIEVE that what they have i

Bidayuh Music?!!

Oni wat ya nai muzik Bidoyoh?  Traditional Bidayuh Instruments  One day, I saw a discussion on Facebook between some friends that was about Bidayuh MUSIC. I couldn't remember as to whether the discussion was about holding a competition for Bidayuh music or organizing some sort of Bidayuh music festival. Not so sure which one was it. But let me just ask this question; what exactly do you mean by Bidayuh 'music'?. For all I know, Bidayuh music that I have been exposed since I was a kid was those that involve an entire ensemble of gongs (tawak, kita'ak, pidabat and etc...). So when I read this discussion, it was odd for me to think that we would try to ask our modern songwriters to write new music from this type of ensemble. I was once told by village elders that to each kampung, their musical arrangement for this ensemble is different. So the beats played by the group from Grogo, will definitely differ from those who hail from Singgai, Pedawan or Serian.

MU Fan Grilled in Red Cauldron (Why You Should Never Walk Alone)

Oni wat nyaa itih skia paloi bih? There are many dumb things in this world that people may have done at least once in their lives but I think that this can definitely go down as the one of THE dumbest thing any football fan can ever do. There could be only a few reasons why this person is doing what he did. Therefore, here are my assumptions:  He's has absolutely no grey cells in his cranium He's just suicidal He's willing to die a martyr for his club He was dared to do this by fellow club fans He's just an arrogant jerk trying to pull of a stunt that could make him a viral superstar on Youtube thus hoping that if this gets shown on ESPN's Football Crazy, he may win a free trip to Old Trafford and recieve an award directly from Sir Alex Ferguson for having the guts to do this in the first place. (NOT! I don't think Sir AF is gonna care even if you tell him)  Now, if we take a flashback to MU's previous visits to Malaysia, has any Liverpool fan cause a

Distorted Lesson on Sarawak's History

Oni wat nyaa doik ngajar otto itih no'uh eh? Ibu pertiwiku...jauh juak aku merantau, nasib agik kat negeri sama After all the hoopla and chaos that echoed around Bersih 2.0, I began thinking about our the nation's political landscape and it's relationship towards our socio-economic make-up. One of those things that I have always thought about was about the relationship between our beloved Sarawak with Malaysia. For a little flashback, and if there's anyone reading this blog ever noticed, in the week before the state election a few months back, The Star ran an article showing The 18 Points Agreement for Sarawak in establishing the federation of Malaysia. To be honest, prior to reading that article (as well as other propaganda material during campaign season) I have absolutely no idea about this agreement. Then, when I reflected back at my time studying Sejarah from Form 1 to Form 5, I noticed that nothing about this 18 Point Agreement was ever 'elaborated'

Gotong-Royong Pem'BERSIH'an

Oniwat ya jorak-jorak m'risi? Last weekend was probably one of the most spiciest weekends our country has ever been through. Bersih 2.0 made it's point very clear about fair elections...I guess. In Miri, all the roads leading to the Waterfront area was 'blocked' by our men in white. For once I almost thought I could could get away with not going to work on Saturday. Hahaha, but after passing by blockades at the 24 Hour KFC entrance and the traffic light in front of Surabaya Restaurant entrance, I was finally allowed to get into the office compounds after being stopped by the police near the CIMB junction. To tell you the truth, I had a DAP Ubah stuck to my windsreen so I had to pull it off and hide it before I could open my windows to the police. Here's the dialogue on that fateful morning: Mr. Police:  Haa...nak ke mana tu? Me:             Pegi keja... Mr. Police:  Sabtu pun keje ker? Me:             Ye la...aku keja kompeni...bukan keja government. Kena l

Ultimate Arch-Rivalries!

Oni wat mesti ya bisaing wat tih yoh? Hi everyone and good afternoon! Have you evern noticed that somehow, the world is able to conjure-up ultimate rivalries? If you don't get what I mean, try looking at this list Goku vs. Bezita Pendekar Laut vs. Orga Luke Skywalker vs. Darth Vader Wolverine vs. Sabretooth Superman vs. Lex Luthor Spiderman vs. Green Goblin Manchester United vs. Liverpool Barcelona vs. Real Madrid Boca Juniors vs. Riverplate AC Milan vs. Inter Milan Now, notice that there is rarely a real life rivalry between two separate individuals, the one particular rivalry I could think of is Arsene Wenger vs. Alex Ferguson. Most individual rivalries involve fictitious characters whereby a writer is able to develop their rivalry from start to God knows when. Kedak Pendekar Laut ngan Orga ya...dah mati..hidup balit...gaduh lagi. Sik pande abis-abis! But in real life, I think I've finally found a classic man to man rivalry that could spill bitterness to both i

Space Cop Gaban a.k.a. Space Ranger Gaban a.k.a Space Sheriff Gavan

Oni wat sirita tih ponai brainwash onak opot bih? Space Cop Gaban!! As it seems futile to avoid talking about the invasion of Japanese henshin (transform) hero series that invaded my innocent childhood, it should be more than proper for me to introduce to all of you the pioneer of all japanese henshin heroes. Of course, Suria Perkasa Hitam was one of a kind...yeah, he didn't have any fancy looking giant robot and has never fought any monster that taller than 10 feet. Jadi hero Jipon nok bakal aku persembahkan tok adalah.... ...Space Cop Gaban!!! Mesti bahagia Lawai baca blog aku tok kelak. Oh, and by the way, mun kitak orang nangga video di atas, tolong-tolonglah perhatikan subtitle theme songnya tok dalam Bahasa Malaysia. Hahahaha. Cerita tok aku rasa sapa lahir selepas 1982 sik kan ingat langsung la rasa-rasanya sebab aku rasa aku nangga tok sebelum aku sekolah rendah gik. Atau time aku darjah 1 kot..sik ingat gilak la...harap-harap ada sapa-sapa tolong ingatkan aku (I