Oni wat ya perlu ogik sambungan itih?
Due to the rapid rate of unemployment faced by our fresh graduates, I am inclined to give a few tips on how to handle the job interview. So here is my list things to do and things you shoulnd't do in a job interview.
Do speak your mind
It's is good to be pro-active in a conversation or when people ask you something. You can't just simply give one phrase answers all the time. If you do, you're automatically a buzzkill. Conveying YOUR ideas and thoughts are always important, especially when you face technical based questions. Remember that academically, you are already there...but your potential employer is more interested in what YOU have to offer on the table. A reminder here is always be aware of what's happening around you, either directly related to your academics or things that may relate to in in general terms. Employers ADORE critical and independent thinkers and not just people who are there to follow orders.
E.g. you are being interviewed as an auditor for the state government's treasury department...so the interview involves questions relating to SCORE (Sarawak Corridor for Renewable Energy) and if you have absolutely no clue about what that is, then just bid farewell to that job. Even though SCORE itself has nothing to do with audit academically, keep in mind that your awareness of what the employer is doing is critical. People realize you are a 'fresh' graduate. But don't instigate them into thinking that you are a 'basi' graduate.
Don't get too cocky
Speaking your mind too much can imprint a sense of cockyness. Yeah, you might be agreat addition to the existing team in the organization, but the bosses are sure that you'll be pissing everyone else off! So, even if you have a tone of ideas to contribute, for the sake of getting the job, do keep some of your aces up your sleeve and then save them for the time when you are actually working. So for the sake of the interview, keep your head in the clouds but always make sure your feet is kept firmly to the ground.
Do display genuine interest
Yeah, I know that most people interview for jobs for the sake of getting a job only. Unless the company is desperate for someone to fill that vacant post and can keep a blind eye to your actual interest in the job, a 'career' is grown only from a the seed of true passion for work. Don't work as a waiter if you know you are socially inept. If you honestly can't display a genuine interest in the post offered, maybe because you are not really sure yet of what the vacany is all about, then use things such as the amount of salary offered as the means for you to fake a genuine interest. Kesungguhan itu akan kelihatan sungguh meyakinkan. Ok? So display interest - even if you have to fake it. Don't make your dis-interest to the post immediately dis-interest the interviewers, then they'll say, "Baik tak payah datang!"
Don't become clueless
I think if you've read a previous post in this blog, you'll know what I mean.
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