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The Ransom of a Political Hostage Cycle

Oni wat otto obuoh koduk politik?

Several years ago I was riding in a car with my uncle. Where I'm from, whichever younger sibling on both your mother's or your father's side is called tuwak (aunt or uncle la). Hahaha, yes, I know it sounds like a familiar local alcoholic brew but in the Bidayuh tongue, I personally notice that it is pronouced in two separate syllable (as in tu-wa') and not one straight syllable as how one would pronounce tuak.

We should get some linguistics people to sort that sort of stuff out, right? I think that they might already have, and I am probably the one who is just simply unaware of it, hahaha. Don't we already have graduates who are Bachelors in Linguistics? Coz I think UNIMAS offers that programme. But I better leave this topic for some other post later, hahaha.

So this uncle of mine, whom we fondly call Wak D at home (yes, pronounce the letter 'D' as in dee) brought up the issue of rural road construction and how slow this sort of development was being done even in areas that are just right in the outskirts of Kuching city. The reason this topic came up was because at that time, we were driving along the newly built Singgai road (a month after it was completed); which is the one leading directly to Kpg. Segong. For those who are unfamiliar, this is the junction that's right opposite the Tondong intersection along the Bau-Batu Kawah Road.  I got a picture below to show you guys which road I mean.
Tondong Junction
That time, the tar was pitch black and the paint on it was pearl white. The feel of fresh tarmac as the car I was in glides through it at high speed was surprisingly relaxing to the mind. There weren't any cars around so it felt like the road was all yours. For those from Segong, this road was a blessing and it should be, after years and years of asking and waiting from the government for an access road to their area.

My uncle said that ALL THIS (referring to the road itself) is part of bigger political scheme. The idea is simple, and it's one I'd like to call The Political Hostage Cycle:

The people need roads
The government can build roads
The government needs power
The people can give power

The cycle is actually repetitive for only three rounds which later includes electricity and water. This means the cycle is only able to effectively repeat itself for three consecutive rounds that translates into a minimum of three separate elections (general-state-general OR state-general-state). Do we realize that we are always usually waiting for at least 10 years, for these three infrastructural elements to be fully implemented? Note that I only say implemented...not completed.

If there was any rulebook for amateur politicians (for example Politics for Dummies) to go by, this cycle would probably be in the top 5 of things they need to put into practice immediately. Why? Coz it simply ensures you stay in power for the longest period of time. I believe that a lot of people are aware of this, simply because Wak D was well aware of it as well, but it still happens (otherwise it wouldn't be a cycle right?). The reason is simply because of one word - RANSOM.

These infrastructures are like hostages in a kidnap scenario. For the kidnappers to get what they want, they'd have to let each hostage go one by one and ask for something in return - ransom. Now, why does it always seem like the kidnappers always hold the authority in this sort of negotiations? In this scenario, the police puts the lives of the hostages as a primary concern, so they'll do anything to ensure their safety. Do the kidnappers care for hostages' safety?

Yes and no. It's 'YES', because by ensuring the hostages are safe, they constantly have the upper hand in the negotiations. It also a 'NO' because, to them, the hostages are merely leverage - in other words, an instrument used only for their benefit. Why would they need to care if the hostages live or die? What's more important is that they get what they want and the hostages are simply a means to an end.

Lets imagine this: what if the police doesn't give a damn about those hostages and only wants to see the kidnappers caught (or maybe killed?). If they were heartless, they'd just blow the whole place up! No hostages and no kidnappers. Yes, it's an ugly scene...but the harsh truth is, you think anyone would dare to pull off any kidnapping stunt after that, ever again? I don't think so! But like I said before, if the police were to do that, things could turn ugly. Does the Manila Hostage Massacre ring any bells?

(Note: The Manila Hostage Massacre was mostly pointed as the fault of the authorities in mishandling that crisis, truthfully they were concerned for the well-being of the hostages but were just too dumb to do anything right, I'm using the massacre just as a reference and reminder for readers to realize just 'how ugly' things CAN get when they do get out of hand)

As a rakyat, I think Sarawakians in general, doesn't want things to turn ugly and anyway, the stakes are not the same in this political hostage cycle as it is in the kidnapping metaphor I used. The rakyat is simply trying to get the best deal, if voting for a certain someone (or party) can assure that a particular infrastructure can be given to them faster, then they'll vote for that person. It is a simple matter of economic, "We need this road, and if you can give it to us..then you got our vote. Done deal!"

This cycle has been put into practice in Bau and it will surely happen again for many more elections to come coz once you've kicked the ball, it's just gonna keep on rollin (or keep on screaming..depends on what type of 'ball' you're actually kicking...haha). Remember that the cycle goes on for three rounds, right? What I didn't tell you was that; different locations may vary at different levels of this cycle. Some villages may already have roads while still waiting for electricity, whilst some other villages are still waiting just to have roads. So how the elected candidate plays around with each need is important for him to keep the ransom cycle (or ball..hahaha) rolling. It assures the longevity of political power.

My question here (during the uncle & nephew roadtrip discussion) was, "Why can't the rakyat take power as their hostage for a change?".

Wak D's answer was simple, "That's just asking too much." Hahahaha.

Weird, right? But then I realised that there's two catalyst in this cycle that was left out, money and influence. The rakyat is a huge group of people who's behaviour as a group is unpredictable...but a large portion of this group can be greatly influenced by one thing - money. That's why campaign season is so crucial for the election candidates, coz that's where they need to show the money and gain that influence. So much cash and cheques are issued out in those ten days of campaigning that if you add them all up, the amount is probably ridiculous! And that has yet to include the wang peruntukan (I'll make an exclusive post about wang peruntukan in another blog some other time...that's a big enough story on its own).

So the rakyat is simply incapable of taking power as hostage because they are not decisive, they are divided in their idealogies and this deems them in-operable as a single unit. In Sains KBSM , the rakyat can be literally (in the Malay language) regarded as zarah-zarah yang bergerak secara rawak dan tidak menentu. Notice how there is always less number of kidnappers in a kidnapping scenario that there are police officers right? It makes it easy for them to call the shots.

In conclusion, this political hostage scenario will always favour the side that is trying to get power with money or influence. Therefore, the cycle is near fullproof, coz even with a huge loophole, in which the rakyat unifies and denies them power, to make it happen is a miracle in itself. But just believe one thing - that one single loophole is enough to make power to the people a reality. It simply boils down to the rakyat themselves.

So don't stop believing (says Glee!).

Note: The road has once again become a hostage for the folks living in Kapit, Marudi and Long Lama. Keep a watchful eye on these areas during electon season and see money roll and see if what's been said is being put to practice. Hahahaha.


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