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Loan Application Nightmare!

Oni wat ogi nyaa de sape wat tih bih?

This is a scenario where a guy is applying for a loan at a local financial institution.

Applicant:       Cik, I’d like to make a personal loan…I’ve filled in all the forms

Counter Girl:   Ok, you have prepared all your photocopied documents?

Applicant:       Already, cik. Everything is in order.

Counter Girl:   Great. Let me go through everything first.

Counter Girl browses through the documents while Applicant looks at...her…desk (Hehehe, you thought I was gonna to say something inappropriate were you?).

Counter Girl:   Ok, intend to loan how much, exactly?

Applicant:       Oh? It’s written there right? I want to loan RM 100,000.

Counter Girl:   Umm…yes it is written, but erm, encik…after assessing your income and your monthly financial commitments…I don’t think that the amount you are asking for can be approved.

Applicant:       What?! How can you say that? Heeeyyyy cik, look carefully know where I work? P*******! Not cincai, cincai punya company you know. Oil & gas ooo…I’m an 'engineer' you know!

Counter Girl:   Erm…I realize ‘where’ you work encik (Of course, since he’s wearing coveralls with the company name on it, duh!). But  you’re not an engineer…you only work at under the Engineering Department. It says here in your payslip that you are only an 'engineering technician'.

Applicant:       Eh, where you go to school, cik adik…oooooiii?! I work in that department, so I am an engineer la. It’s not you that’s working there, and now you pulak pandai-pandai determine what I ‘am’ at work. How come my friend’s loan for the same amount was approved when he applied here a few weeks ago?

Counter Girl:   What’s your friend’s name?

Applicant:       Mr. Sanuh

Counter Girl:   Oh, he’s application was approve because he’s an ACTUAL engineer.

Applicant:       Ya la, we work in the same department, both me and him are engineer ma!

Counter Girl then slaps her own forehead.

Can people be any more dumber than that? Oh, and by the way, this particular loan application wasn't just a nightmare for the applicant, but also for the person working over the counter. Kesian.


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