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Liverpool Football Club

Oni wat oku nyokong Liverpool?

Nya sik akan berjalan kedirik...sebab aku ada kat belakang amik gambar tok..hehe
Hahahaha...aku saja maok nulis article tok untuk memaklumkan kepada semua orang apa sebab-sebab di sebalik minat aku terhadap LFC. Tok bukan article rebuttal atau atau gaduh-gaduh la...(tapi mun maok boleh juak nak..hahahaha)..tapi simply suatu article sharing (pergh...macam seminar la plak) tentang macam ney aku boleh terjebak meminati Liverpool.

Aku mula-mula didedahkan kepada English Premier League masa aku agik darjah 4. Tapi masa ya sik la aku tauk ney team nok best atau sik best. Let me see..aku darjah 4 ialah tahun 1990 and that was the year Liverpool last won the trophy, but actually I was not aware of it coz the season that I was watching it was actually the 1990/91 season. So technically, I never really saw Liverpool became league champions. But since I was more or less a neutral observer at that time, I kinda liked Tottenham Hotspurs, coz I thought it was awesome that they had Juergen Klinsman in the team at the time (nasib la aku sik jadi minat sidak, mun sik macam Shebby la, sentiasa kempunan trofi).

But as a couple of seasons progressed, I started to enjoy watching this one particular team in an all red kit, that played fluid football. It wasn't always match winning but it was always 'fluid'. When the ball was put into play, and when this team was in possession, it almost always end up either as a goal, corner kick, or just a goal kick at the other end. That means the ball always reaches the enemy territory...fluidly. There were the likes of John Barnes, Jamie Redknapp, Steve McManaman, Robbie Fowler & Jason McAteer at that time. Then I found out that their stadium was called Anfield and that they had a song called, 'You'll Never Walk Alone'.

Now hold on a minute, is this a club with its OWN SONG? Yeah, there are other clubs who have their own songs, but it's either a pirated melody of some other jingle (e.g. Glory Glory Alleluia sounds familiar anyone?) or it had to had the team name smothered all over it. This club and this song, had an intimacy that's soo subtle, yet so strongly attached that to me, the club embodied the song. So to me, Liverpool was not so much of a club, it was like one big family! Plus the fact that later I found out that they were one of the strongest teams in England & Europe!

So good football, good fans, great original theme song, great history and great humility yet great ambitions...hence I was baptised as a Liverpool follower when I was in primary 6. Now all this while, I had two uncles who both tried to persuade me to support their respective clubs. They didn't know that I had my heart already set on Liverpool. It was just hilarious watching them outdo the other into trying to brainwash me to support them at the time. Hahahahaha!!! If one spoke to me about MU at the kebun, the other would counter attack with a Liverpool hujah on the way back from kebun! Hahahahaha.

But it was just too much fun seeing those two have a go at it. However, ther was one thing that really sets them apart in terms of how they presented their clubs, and that was - attitude. The MU side always had an element of cockyness and self-gloat when he talks about his club. At first I thought that it was just him, but as I grew up, I noticed most MU fans were like that, okay la, not all okay..just most of them (statistically about 96%). I think they get it from Alex Ferguson or's just always there - like a seed of the devil (we'll get a little deeper into this topic a little bit later).

The Liverpool fans are usually the open book type, they're usually like, "Here's who we are, here's what we're what do you think?" I just adore that attribute and it has done nothing but cement my allegiance to the club.

Personally, I never really come up to people and place any impression that I am interested in football or Liverpool, so people would always try to start this 'conversion' on me to make me support their camps, but I'd usually come clean to fellow Liverpool supporters. Somehow, I transmit this vibe that implies I'm a football neutral, which may be the reason why people usually try to 'convert' me. To supporters of other teams, I'm just pulling your strings by making-making dumb (i.e. buat-buat bodoh), then you'll bla bla this, bla bla that about your club only to realize weeks later that I have a faded Liverpool sticker in my car, hahahaha (I stress the 'faded'ness of the sticker so that people know I have supported them for quite some time already). Haha.


Someone once asked me, "Hey, you have a Manchester United and a Chelsea jersey, are you actually secretly an MU or a Chelsea fan? Hehehe...." They also put on this sinister laugh that's suppose to mean that they are right.

Then I say this, "What's a football jersey for?"

Then they'll answer, "To play football of course..."

Then I'll ask again, "Do you stay clean when you play football?"

Then of course they'll answer, "Of course if you play football mesti la kotor..."

Then I'll drop this bomb on them, "I play football wearing an MU and Chelsea so that I can scratch it, tear it, and practically destroy it while playing and I won't feel guilty about it. In fact, I'll be so driven to put dirt on those jerseys that you'll see me coming home with mud all over me! Sometimes I wear it to kebun or any sort of outdoor outings that I hope might cause some damage to it, so if the jersey suffers, the team that the jersey represents also...suffers (in your face, booyaaa!!). Hahahaha! (a laugh more evil than their early sinister laugh)"

Then, in shame...they'll try a last ditch low blow with this question, "Then why don't you ever wear a Liverpool jersey if you are truly a Liverpool fan?"

Ni memang minta nak kena mamat sorang ni....

I'll smirk and say this, "I'll wear it when Kenny Dalglish (or any person who is managing the LFC or any other team directly under the LFC flagship) hands it over to me and tells me to play for Liverpool. Since I'm not eligible to play for Liverpool, then I won't tarnish it with the skill of an amateur footballer like me. I'll have to DESERVE that jersey. I'll buy and maybe give as a gift to someone else, or maybe frame it and hang it in my room, but I won't wear Liverpool's red kit."

Pergh!! Sakit jiwa dan raga orang nok menyoal ya mun dengar ayat-ayat ya. Siap aku mungkin kena pelempang ada juak fact, pernah la. Tapi nak ka dengan bertindak agresif, sudah terbukti yang sidak ya akan resort to desperate measures because of ego? Hahahaha.


See no evil? Yeah, right! Look at the middle of the image dude...
One of the things that I am glad about my choice of supporting Liverpool is that if no one hasn't noticed (NOT!), there's actually a devil holding a pitchfork in the Manchester United crest. So I think that many hundred of years ago, the club founder actually pledged his allegiance with the devil to make MU the best team in all of England, if not the world. Then, the devil agreed with the condition that the symbol of the devil is demarcated or immortalized in the team emblem (ok, that was easy..) AND, to fully allow the covenant to be fulfilled, they need a sacrifice, of blood (oh my...that's quite a demand).

The team's founding father didn't really dare to do it...but someone (I think we all know who) in 1958 did. He sabotaged the plane that brought the team back from Munich that year and this sacrificed 20 people. Lo and behold, they won their first European Champions Trophy (it wasn't called the Champions's League in those days) in 1968, exactly ten years later! In my opinion, I think that MU will win 20 league titles before they exhaust their bloody covenant, then they would just need to sacrifice more people. It doesn't really have to be fancy...maybe a player involved in a car accident, or died with a golf ball in the face while golfing, it could happen, right? As long as the sacrifice involves people directly working or has work related to the football world and the club (reporters covering football matches included).

For each life taken, MU will win one league title. Now, isn't that scary?

Anyways, the intent of putting the devil as a major entity in the club is not being played down at all. Are you kidding me? Nothing is hush hush about it, they gave their own nickname as the RED DEVILS (isn't that just an obvious heresy?) and the fans support them, even when they know this? So doesn't it indirectly make them DEVIL worshippers? If I was kidding, I'd be laughing right now, but's just the sign of the times.

MU fans, forgive me if I'm being harsh, but I'm just spilling the beans...if you have any qualms about it..let's just throw it out on the pitch and let our respective teams handle the rivalry (and not us..haha..but if we have to, mind you...I'll be wearing an MU jersey, hahahaha!).

Good day!


  1. Caya la member ku sorg tok.haha gud3x....

  2. Aik? sapa si Anonymous ya? sik sudi perkenalkan diri??? Hahahaha

  3. u r humble because u've never tasted pure glory :p
    hehehehehe hi ben!lamak sik nangga, happy father's day! hehehehehehe

  4. well said... well spoken... well written from my friends who is from the same "religion" (sometime i call this football thing a religion - n clubs are the various of dominations) ... both of us loves football... but kita di mazhab yang berbeza... u r from mazhab LIVERFOOL... n me... proud to say... MANCHESTER UNITED...

    to say something good bout ur "mazhab" is normal in this "religion"... n to say something bad bout others.. also as normal as it gets.

    hahaha... but that makes this "religion" a peaceful religion... eventhough hooligans n bad words exists during the games (ritual) itself... so the priest will be the ref.... hahahaha...

    btw... i dont want to counter attack it here... just enjoy reading it... so see u next season... n one thing i hope LIVERFOOL will give a good fight next season... coz from MU point of view... we miss LIVERFOOL so called FLUID football... coz there aint no FLUID last season... just bunch of STIFF LEG playing in an ELITE LEAGUE... that is not suppose to be for them... HAHAHAHA>.....

    so we still sing the GLORY GLORY ALLELUIA... ooopsss MAN UTD... again n again n again... n u still scared of walking alone ...

  5. You are exactly right, my fren Ot@k_celup@r!

    Let me quote you on this:
    "to say something good bout ur 'mazhab' is normal in this 'religion'... n to say something bad bout others.. also as normal as it gets."

    Yeah, Liverpool's game did suck through almost the entire the fourth to fifth match I was already hoping that they wouldn't get relegated. They were unconvincing against the mid-table teams and they lost matches that they should have won. If you can't win against the likes of Fulham, Blackburn or West Ham (now relagated!)...then you're not Championship material. I agree with the 'stiff legs' part, they was totally disorganized and without vision under Old Roy.

    FLUID football at present belongs to Barcelona, and you can see what FLUID football did to Sir Alex's fingers (terketar-ketar pok!). So for Liverpool to get that back, in the shortest amount of time, I doubt it's possible coz Kenny's got a lot of things to fix. I can only hope.

    However, I do want to say one good thing about Manchester United though, it's their tenacity. The tenacity to win any game and every game no matter what. Big teams, small teams...if you lead against MU and the whistle hasn't been blown by the ref, NEVER EVER THINK that you've won the game, except unless you have the entire Barcelona midfield in your team la.

    United just never gives up, BUT that is the definitive United of the Sir Alex breed. I wonder what would happen to MU is he retires? Could it mean Chelsea's dominance? They do have a young manager now...hahahaha.

    Thanks for the comment fren.

  6. Thanks Anonymous for the 'humble' comments..

    Ya la, I wasn't there when Liverpool won 4 of their 5 Champions League trophies. So cannot cakap banyak la about that right? I can only dream of seeing the 'actual' Champions League trophy kept in the Anfield trophy cabinet that 'only' teams who won it 5 times can keep.

    Thanks for the Father's Day wish!

  7. hahahaha how can liverpool be scared of walking alone, if they have NEVER walked alone?
    they always walk together-gether ma


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