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We Are Only Meant to Choose

Oniwat otto siraru nai pilihan de salah?

It is easy to fall into a state of hating someone; it’s just human nature to do so. As it has always been, it is human nature to sin ever since Adam and Eve ate those damned apples. So if that is the cause of why we humans are condemned to the high probability of going to hell, then those apples had better be worth it. Actually, I feel that it is not the case to ‘to sin is to be human’. It’s more accurate to say it as:

"It is the ability to choose which makes us human." - Madeleine L'Engle

We choose to either succumb to the devil’s wishes or God’s wishes. Believe it or not, it is as simple as that. Therefore, every single day of our ordinary lives is about making that choice. It’s not a multiple choice question like UPSR or the recently defunct PMR…it’s simply choice (A) Satan or (B) God. What we always forget in making these decisions at every juncture is the knowledge, awareness and judgment of what God actually expects of us.

Let’s practice on two scenarios to what actually see what choices we make and whether is has any alignment with what God actually wants us to do.

Scenario 1: Vengeance

Your name is Machete, the woman you love dearest was just shot in the head by an evil corporate figure that looks like Mel Gibson. What do you do?

(A)   Go on an all out killing spree in order to avenge your fallen beloved…meet face to face with Mel Gibson lookalike in a one-on-one shootout and sever his head with a machete.

(B)   Go to Mel Gibson lookalike…look him straight in eyes, ask him why he had to do kill and forgive him while at the same time asking God to forgive his sin. Choosing this will probably end in Mel shooting you in the head while laughing out loud but you leave fate in God’s hand.

Truthfully, at the brink of it all, if it really comes down to it…a lot of humans would be choosing (A) simple because it seems to provide more satisfaction in the quest of vengeance. But believe me, that is not and I mean NOT a Godly thing to do. Although (B) is ridiculously improbable, and we cannot comprehend the sense using human thought about what is logic in choice (B), it simple means we lack the understanding of why God is God and why he is ever forgiving.

“And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.” - Mark 11:25

We cannot forgive one man for his sins, and yet God is open to forgive everyone for any sin that they have committed. I do mean; ANY sin – be it those who are blasphemous, rapists and even murderers.

Scenario 2: Persecution

You live in a place where you are persecuted for your faith in Jesus and in God. You’re accused of as infidels, ignorant, malicious and full of evil intent when all you did was just living your life. Your life is harassed and you are being challenged about your faith with questions like the ones below:

When people say, “How is it possible that you can have 3 gods in 1?”
You reply, “God chooses to intercede into human life in different ways and in the Father, He is the almighty in heaven who rules over everything, in the Son, He manifests Himself to be among us and teach us so that we may comprehend His understanding of what He wants and expects of us, and in the Holy Spirit, He manifests His strength and faith unto those who believe in Him – to add the element of Godliness to our fragile humanistic strength.”
If you opt for a sarcastic answer, like what I sometimes do, it would just simply be, “He’s God, bro! He can choose to be what He wants to be and manifest Him-Self into whatever form He wishes! But He always has a plan; and the Trinity is an integral part of that universal master plan - that only those who believe in Him and the Trinity would probably understand a bit more about.”
With those answers people accuse you of trying to convert others, you are taken away from your family, punished and tortured...or to the extent of even getting killed.

Would it not be easier or at least more gratifying to fight back? An eye for an eye? But that is what we, as humans think. It’s not exactly what God thinks. Remember someone called Christ? He was persecuted, sentenced to die, tortured and carried his own cross to his own death for telling the Truth. But God knows, just ‘telling’ it is not enough to make us understand. Plus the fact that the attempt of 'telling' humankind about the Truth was made several times through all the earlier prophets. Coz we humans are ridiculously egotistical and dumb; we won’t notice the Truth even if it was right in front of us. Therefore, God used the trauma effect on us. Put a Man through the most extreme suffering and pain, but have that Man still say;

“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” - Luke 23:34

He could have easily said something like, “Damn you humans, now face the wrath of my Father!!! Hahahahaha!!!!” Then lightning and thunder would strike and the entire world was squashed in a blink of an eye. Do you ever for one second thought that He could have actually said that and it actually happened? He could you know…but He didn’t. Why is that so? Because what He decided to do, is what God wanted Him to do and that in return, is what He EXPECTS all of us to do from that day onwards.

So no matter what shithole of a persecution you need to go through or endure, doing something like taking another life for example for the sake of God, for example…is not what exactly what God wants if you base it on what Christ had to do for us and what he SHOWED us.

But then again, all this is just what I think. What I think…does not matter have to matter to you. It’s what you think that actually matters and what you think, will determine what choices you make. Whether it's (A) or (B)'s basically your choice that determines your fate.


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