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We Are Just as Screwed Up as Proton

Oniwat otto agak senasib duoh Proton?

Yeah, yeah, I know…it’s really nothing new talking about how people are earning very little and spending more. If you have any kind of social media profiles at all, I think that every time the numbskulls at our federal government start tinkering with taxes and oil prices, some dude is already getting his pirated Adobe Photoshop to start creating the newest memes of our beloved ministers (Hey, we voted them to warm the seats in parliament, so that means we love ‘em, right?).

There’s absolutely nothing to cheer about so far in terms of economic outlook for 2015. The fact of life for the average middle age to young working adult is that:

  • We can never buy houses.
  • We’re forced to buy small compact cars for the rest of our lives.
  • Eating out at an ordinary café is now a luxury.

I feel that anybody that’s born in the 80s feel like there is some sort of black cloud that keeps following them around, turning everything they touch in ash. But that black cloud is probably the baby boomers who already amassed their wealth out of every possible natural resource. The only privileged people in the 80s generation are those whose parents are wealthy baby boomers that have amassed their wealth out of every possible natural resource.

Am I finger-pointing? The hell yes, I am. I mean, honestly…what was our fault? For all I know, I grew up, went to St. Stephen primary school, went and studied in BGSS and then went to further my studies somewhere else. Before I knew it, as I hit adulthood, the economy and the world that was left for us was just dinner leftovers and crap! All this while, as I was following older people’s advice to study, be diligent, etc...older people was effing up my entire world before I could even partake in it. Now, after they screw everything up, they are telling us to not do this and not do that.

For all I know, none of them have any right to tell us what to do? They can’t tell us to control our spending, they can’t tell us to manage our bad credit. Why?  Because it’s their fault the economy is where it is at, in this moment in time. Don’t believe me? Let me give an example that ‘pesona’fies (pun intended) the life of anybody between the age of 25 to 35 right now; Proton.

Everyone loves Proton right (sarcastic laugh starts here!)? I mean, there’s a shitload of Protons on the road and I see them every single day. Proton is an eighties kid, just like me! It was born in the 80s and matured over the course of the 1990s and into the new millennium. Now, my question is…why do people still perceive that Proton cars suck? They’re not bad cars…but they’re nothing to shout about as well…exactly like most modern day university graduates.
Well, let’s not debate the actual cars that Proton makes, the faulty power windows and the cheapo plastic covers in the cabin. Lets debate Proton as a carmaker. Now all this while, people see Volvo as cars…and vans…and trucks. Same goes to Toyota…they got cars, vans and trucks, while Mitsubishi goes the extra mile to make planes. So Proton, what does Proton make? Just cars. Take note: Just cars!!!

Now, look at this much as Malaysia tries to cover up and tell people that it is a developed nation, we are still very much an agriculture dependent nation. Please don’t say oil and gas as our primary industry, that’s a topic of great mockery for some other occasion. Right now, let’s just keep our attention to Proton, ok? Eyes here, everyone. So as a country with so much agricultural activity such as oil palms estates…why on earth didn't Proton make field tractors, 3-tonne or 10 tonne lorries? The entire stretch of Miri-Bintulu road is filled with 10 tonne lorries going up and down that ‘highway’ every minute.

If I was Proton’s shareholder, I’d definitely ask this question at their AGM…’why are you guys only making cars?’ and I expect a very…very good answer to that question, or else I’m siphoning all my money out and buying Chery shares. I am neither business specialist nor an economist, but somehow in life, I have learned that when you do something many times and it don’t work out? You are supposed to try something else that will eventually work out. International business or more precisely, successful international business entities are able to evolve, diversify and transform itself with the times and the auto industry is just one of those industries that need to do that.

So, what has Proton trying its best to do? To make what they so called ‘the best’ Proton car that can be recognized the world over. But, you’re a business first….so your primary task is to make money. How well has that been for Proton? No matter what the politically correct tries to say, I feel Proton is much like us now, the young adults of this day and age…we’re screwed up by the generation that’s before us just as much as Proton was screwed up by its top management, who are, coincidentally from the same generation that screwed our world and our economy up.

The generations before us could buy semi-detached double storey houses for less than RM200,000. Now, RM200,000 is only enough to pay for a corner lot low cost house in Miri or Kuching. Kolok mee used to be RM1.50…then it went up to RM1.80 and RM2.00 and then RM2.50 and then finally to the RM3.00 now. Initially, it went from RM2.50 to RM3.00 because oil process went up. Now that oil prices have gone back down again, I don’t see every shop showing any sign that their kolok mee is now RM2.50. See crap being thrown at us again?

This doesn’t irritate me a whole lot actually, what irritates me the most is actually the fowl mouths that are now blaming us for being too critical of economic policies, even though it was their fault in the first place that an entire Malaysian generation is in this mess. 

Are you not pissed?


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